Tips to apply Frosted Glass Vinyl Film

We are continually impressed how Frosted or Etched Vinyl is a simple, yet versatile material that offers a broad range of privacy, natural light, and endless design or branding options.
Frosted vinyl for glass window can be used on both internal and external windows.  You control the amount of privacy based on the amount of coverage or design elements you choose.
Frosted Glass Vinyl Film is used for many reasons. One of the popular use is to give homeowners more privacy by either covering a portion of a window or a glass front door with privacy frosted window film. This prevents nosy passers-by from getting a good look inside your home.  It's also very useful within your home, as it can be used to provide more privacy in a bathroom.
There's more to frosted window films than privacy. However, they are also used to add to a room's décor by spicing up windows, mirrors or doors.  It can be quite fetching when a mirror or glass door is decorated around the edge with beautifully patterned frosted window film.
So many uses for this wonderful invention, but the question that often comes up is 'how easy is it to apply to windows?’  I won't deceive you by saying it's very easy to apply, as I've certainly had my share of mishaps with it catching on other pieces of furniture before going up, or getting full of bubbles that I couldn't get out no matter how hard I tried.  Having said that, it is a fairly simple procedure providing you follow the instructions and don't try any short cuts.
Proper Window Preparation
Proper preparation of the window on which the graphic will be applied to is very critical to a successful application. All the windows should be cleaned using a window cleaner that is ammonia free. After the window has been fully wiped and the cleaner is removed, a second and final cleaning should be done using straight isopropyl alcohol (IPA), which will remove any residue that may have been left behind by the cleaning solution used.
Recommended Application Procedures
A wet application technique is generally the best method for applying these types of films on glass.  The application fluid allows for easy positioning of the graphic because it can slide into place on the glass.  The fluid also helps make it easier for the installer to push out any air bubbles during the installation.
The application fluid can be a pre-mixed solution.  Two other options are an IPA and water mix (75 percent water to 25 percent IPA) or a soap and water solution of one teaspoon of soap to one gallon of water.  If you are using the soap and water solution, be sure to use a soap that does not contain any perfumes or lotions as these can cause adhesion issues to the glass.
1.)   Using a spray bottle, spray the application fluid you chose on the area of the window where the graphic will be installed. Apply a generous amount.
2.)   Remove the liner from the graphic and position the graphic on the area where the fluid was sprayed.
3.)   Using a squeegee, from the center of the graphic out towards the edge of the graphic forcing the fluid out from behind the graphic.
4.)   After the graphic has been fully squeegeed down, trim the vinyl to fit the glass.
5.)   If an application tape was used, allow the application fluid a few minutes to dry and the adhesive bond to the glass build. Then remove the application tape keeping it parallel to the glass (pulling it back on itself at an 180-degree angle) to minimize the possibility of lifting the applied graphic.

Please note that when applying graphics to an exterior window, the surface temperature of the glass needs to be 50° or warmer.  Pressure sensitive adhesives do not stick well to cold surface substrates.
